Networking Women

What: A meetup and add-a-thon featuring a keynote by Prof. Amanda Herbert.

Who: Anyone with an interest in gender parity, early modern studies, digital humanities, and/or historical social networks.

Where: Carnegie Mellon University; Folger Shakespeare Library; online via #NetworkingWomen and

When: Saturday 1/23/16 10:00AM-4PM

What to Bring: A laptop, goodwill, enthusiasm; optional: biographies or other scholarly books.

Resources: PosterGetting StartedBrief Instructions for ParticipationNewbie's Guide to 6DFBDetailed Data Requirements for Contributions.

Call for Participation:
Networking Early Modern Women

January 23rd, 2016 - Livestream


The Six Degrees of Francis Bacon (Six Degrees) project, in association with Carnegie Mellon University, the Pittsburgh Consortium for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Digital Humanities Research at Pitt (DHRX), the Digital Media Lab at Pitt, and the Folger Shakespeare Library, invite you to participate in Networking Early Modern Women, a day-long, multi-site event dedicated to incorporating women and their relationships into the social networks of early modern Britain. Taking place both online and in person on Saturday, January 23rd, the event will begin at 10:30 AM EST with a livestreamed, keynote address from Professor Amanda Herbert, author of Female Alliances: Gender, Identity, and Friendship in Early Modern Britain, a book recently named the best book of 2015 by the Society for the Study of Early Modern Women. Participants in this meetup and add-a-thon will learn how to contribute women and their relationships to before joining with like-minded participants to help enrich our collaborative picture of Britain’s early modern social network.


Networking Early Modern Women aims to equip participants with the time, training, and motivation to add women and their relationships to the collaborative reconstruction of early modern Britain at We will gather at Carnegie Mellon’s Hunt Library, at the Folger Shakespeare Library, and online (via the Twitter hashtag #NetworkingWomen and Slack) to weave as many women as we can into Six Degrees.


Women in 1500-1700 were half the population, and were indispensable nodes in news networks, print networks, food networks, court networks, literary networks, epistolary networks, support networks, and religious networks—in short, all networks. However, women make up only 6% of the corresponding entries in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (ODNB). As a result, there are far fewer women than men in Six Degrees of Francis Bacon (885 vs. 12,557). All but 5.5% of the relationships in Six Degrees are male-male. Though we at Six Degrees have been drawing attention to these biases for a while, the urgency is clear: reconstructing the full network of early modern Britain requires concerted action to repair the imbalance in representation of women’s lives and relationships.

Additional Notes:

Selected Online Resources (A Growing List): The following resources may be helpful for finding reliable information on early modern women and their relationships.

Detailed Schedule

Saturday, January 23rd, 2015
All times EST

Carnegie Mellon University
Hunt Library, Room 1A

Folger Shakespeare Library
SNOW DAY: Stay safe, contribute online.